
American Made

Our capacitors are manufactured in Palm Coast, Florida, U.S.A. by American workers just like you

We Believe in Quality

AmRad capacitors are made to last and are backed by a 5 year warranty.
(3 year warranty on TES5EXT)

Truly Universal

Our patented Turbo200® is the only motor-run
capacitor that replaces over 200 single and dual
value 370/440V capacitors.

*All AmRad Products are intended to be used and installed by a licensed HVACR contractor.*

Warranty claims are to be handled through the wholesaler from which the product was purchased.

ISO Certification: ISO 9001:2015 


AmRad’s 55,000 square feet production facility in Palm Coast Florida, U.S.A contains:

We’re open for tours!

• High-speed metalized film winding machines      capable of producing up to 6 separate                    capacitors in a single film winding

• Oil fill turn table utilizing our thick non-PCB            dielectric fluid to reduce heat in our capacitors

• Fully integrated electrical testing stations


Written by Richard Gibson of AB Tech

I would like to thank you for the material I received this week. I have passed it out to my day students and will be passing it out this fall to my new students. I worked in the field for years and installed your capacitors and the units are still running today. I had a capacitor fail on my own unit for my shop and I order one on line and installed it on my unit. It was great to see an product with that reliability produce again that would last more than a couple of years. As an instructor I’m very interested in any new product that you start producing at your facility, all I need is some literature to pass out to my students.

Written by Garrett Hoffman/CEO of Hoffman Heating & Air

I wanted to take a moment to say Thank You. There are few companies and even fewer employee’s of those companies that actually do what they say and follow thru with their promise of delivering service and product that can be depended upon. I sincerely feel that way about AmRad capacitors and the interest in those products by your employee’s. I own a small company that primarily focuses on customer service and the performance of the products we sell. AmRad cap’s are the only such parts you will find on my service trucks. In the last five years I have replaced none of the turbo 200 or mini 200 capacitors installed. I have however replaced two of your O.E.M. caps that were both over 5 years old. This compared to literally HUNDREDS of cap’s from every other manufacturer. I now remove the factory installed capacitors out of every machine I install and replace them with your products before start up. By doing this I have reduced the failure rate of new equipment and thus reducing my expenses. I save the removed parts and donate them to the different voc-tech programs or give them away to other contractors. Sometimes you get lucky in life and you find something you just can’t do without. AmRad capacitors are one of those things. Until I find a product that out performs your’s and is still made in this country I will be a customer for life.


Garrett Hoffman

Hoffman Heating & Air,Inc.
Debary, FL

Written by Daniel Winston/Lead HVAC Instructor

Called you today regarding the Turbo 200 kit that your company sent to me. Again, thank you so much. I use this kit in class demonstrations and on field trip job sites. The students are just as amazed as am I at the versatility and worth of this product. As a matter of fact, several of my recent graduates have purchased the Turbo 200. I regularly get phone calls from these students telling me that they are so glad that I encouraged them to stock at least one Turbo 200 on their truck. They have expressed how the Turbo 200 has saved them many times when they were on a call that was at a great distance from the parts house or was needed after hours. After hearing this from my past students and using this “tool” in the classroom and on class field trips, I realized that I did not want to be without one when I go on service calls. Therefore, I purchased some for my personal use. The Turbo 200 is a great asset for me when I am working in the field. Had your company not contacted me and sent me one of these kits, I would never have given this product an opportunity to prove its worth. I deal with many parts houses and only one has a display and promotes this product. It would be great to see a display in all of the other parts houses.

Again, thank you so much for entrusting me with a promotional kit.

Shreveport, LA

Written by Jeff P. Stachovic-Founder & Trainer

I’ve had nothing but great success with using the Turbo Capacitors. It takes the guess work out of wondering if ill have the right capacitor for the job.”, “People who scoff at the cost of one Turbo Capacitor, never bought the proper amount of dedicated capacitors, or don’t consider their time a valuable asset. Nothing beats avoiding traffic and supply houses, knowing I have the right part on my truck. To me that’s priceless!”

I hope those help, I meant every word!

Lemont, IL

Written by James M. Heinz-President

I have been using your product since I saw it at the same show in Orlando about 4 or 5 years ago. All our trucks have at least two of each size on board. In fact, last year we purchased over 250 of them, most of them already installed, and a few still in stock. Just a point of information for you, out of the hundreds we installed in the past years, we have not had one failure. Great product, and made in America which is great. Please don’t change anything (China) and we will have a long relationship with your product. I never have a problem paying extra for an American made product. When you buy cheap, you always buy twice.

Thanks again for a great product.

Palm Harbor, Florida

Written by Kyle Jeane

I just wanted to say Thank You for making such a quality product that covers so many different applications. After purchasing our third case this season my parts supplier asked me what we were doing with all of the Turbo200 capacitors. I told him we were making money.

Thanks to your company, we have had great success in minimizing our van’s stocking orders and in turn we have increased our profits. I will always purchase your products and recommend them whenever I can.

Spring, Texas

Written by Larry A. Hanshaw, V.P.

I am writing to you to let you know how pleased we are with the “Turbo®200” run capacitor designed by your company. Since purchasing them from Allied Equipment Sales in Alexandria, Virginia about two months ago, we have used eight of the capacitors so far. They have saved us trips to the supply house and now we do not need to stock fourteen different sized capacitors on each of our trucks! Keep up the good work!

Newington, VA

Written by David Bissonnette, Service Manager

Hello Vicky, I just wanted to let you know that the Turbo®200 is an awesome product. No more stocking all those different capacitors. I do all the ordering and it makes life a lot nicer not having to order different capacitors. Thanks for a great product!

Marlboro, MA

Written by Susie Smith, General Manager

Carl, Thanks for calling. We have had great success selling the Turbo®200 capacitors. We have sold over 400 in 3 months. Our customers love them. We have a lot of rural customers that are putting them on all their trucks, 40 miles is a long way to drive without the right capacitor, but that doesn’t happen anymore. We love them.

Kansas City, MO

Written by Trent L. Cowing, General Manager

The Turbo®200 is a no brainer. Sure they cost more, but not near as much as pulling a Tech off the job and sending them to the local parts warehouse (if there is a local one). They’ve made life simple for us. I now keep 2 on every truck. I was excited to hear about the new Turbo®200X.

I will be asking my vendors about them today.

Shawnee, KS

Written by Chuck Willis, Owner

What a Relief! No more 2 or 3 cases of Capacitors. My trucks have $800 less inventory. All my servicemen carry (1) in their tool bags, – less trips to the truck!

Pittsburgh, PA

Written by Greg Sutor, General Manager

The Turbo®200 is like replacing an entire toolbox with one adjustable wrench. It’s a perfect universal replacement capacitor with no compromise on quality, performance or compatibility.

The Turbo®200 has greatly simplified the parts hunting process for our service department. Just yesterday they tried to pick up a replacement compressor for an urgent situation and found the supplier did not have the matched run capacitor in stock. The Turbo®200 saved us from a costly visit to another supplier – we had it in truck stock!

Hmmm… We could stock every service vehicle with lots of different capacitors or just one Turbo®200… What a “no brainer!”

Oak Park, IL